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Sigara Borek

23 May, 2015

‘The front runner of all Cypriot pastry dishes that can merge into any category’

Serves 15     Preparation time     45 minutes     Difficulty     Hard

Sigara Borek is a great starter for all the family and one that keeps empty stomachs happy until the main meal is ready. This popular dish is one of the main starters on Cypriot family’s tables and can be a great starting dish at gatherings. It can be eaten hot or cold and even for breakfast with a cup of tea or Turkish coffee. 


Filo pastry (known as yufka in Turkish)
2 cups sunflower oil
White cheese (feta cheese crumbled )
½ bunch parsley
1 egg
Dried mint (personal choice)

Step 1:  In a bowl place the white cheese

Step 2: With a folk crumble up the cheese and add the egg

Step 3: Chop the parcel in small pieces add to the mixture and mix

Step 4:  Add the mint and let it rest

Step 5: Cut the filo pastry in to triangle shapes

Step 5: Get one piece add one spoon of the mixture at the bottom of the triangle

Step 6: Role once toward the end, then fold the sides and role till the end

Step 7: Wet the end part with a little water for it to stick

Step 8: Once all the pieces are completed you will need to fry once the oil is warm 

You could enjoy Sigara boregi with honey to sweeten it up or plain.